Meet Neema Qado

Neema Qado
Neema was born 8th January 1993. She is in the seventh grade class in Rhotia Primary School in Rhotia, Tanzania. Her father's name is Qado, and her mothers name is Rozina.
She has five brothers whose names are Sylivester who is 30 years old, Augustino who is 27 years old, Dominick who is 26 years old, Amos who is 20 years old, and Anthony who is 18 years old. She has three sisters whose names are Oliver, who is 32 years old, Victoria, who is 29, Mary Stela, who is 7 years old. They are nine in the family. All her brothers finished grade 7. Silvesta works in a hotel in Rhotia. Olivers and Victoria are Married.
She lives with her mother and sisters and brothers in a home 3.5 km. from Rhotia Primary School. The famly earns their money from a farm of three hectors (about 7.5 acres) where they grow maize and wheat. They sell some of the crops and use some for food. They do not have enough to eat, so sometime they must get help from the Government and from neighbors. They don’t have enough to pay for school fees and other expenses.
Neema is struggling at school, and her best subjects are Swahili, English, Science and mathematics. She has trouble in social studies. She would like to be a nurse. She would like to do the computer training class, because she wants to learn about other people, and she is interested in America and Americans
She has started the computer class, and Allen and Toby Cohen are now her sponsors.